Advertising Rates

Non-trade advertising on the website and in the Club’s bi-monthly magazine, ‘MaG’, is at no charge for Club members. Advertisements will be posted to the website for three months, or until withdrawn by the vendor.

For non-members, there is a charge of $20. If you are not a member of the Club and you wish to advertise to club members, please transfer $20 to the Club's Bank: 06 0101 0374781 000 after emailing details of your advertisement. This results in a one-time insertion into the club's bi-monthly printed magazine (MaG) and three months on the website.

With regards to For Sale advertisements, please submit one photograph of the car or item.

Please contact the webmaster ( with a photograph, text about the car (mileage, specifications etc), price and your contact details.

For other advertising rates in the MaG please contact the MaG editor (

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